2024 City of Camas Community Survey
Your input on the following survey is extremely important. We believe it is crucial to ask our residents whether or not they are satisfied with the services we provide. To ensure that the City's priorities are aligned with the needs of our residents, we need to know what you think.
We greatly appreciate your time. We realize that this survey takes some time to complete, but every question is essential. The time you invest in this survey will influence dozens of decisions that will be made about the City's future. Your responses will also help the City Council gauge the success of its efforts to carry out the community's vision for the City of Camas and to address the many opportunities and challenges facing our community.
We have selected ETC Institute to administer this survey. Your responses will remain confidential. If you have any questions, please contact Bryan Rachal with the City of Camas at (360) 817-7035 or brachal@cityofcamas.us.